We all have an incredibly powerful Tool in our pockets, and most of us don’t give it the reverence or level of respect it deserves. It can be something that helps us step into whatever experience we desire in this world, or it can be the thing that holds us back from anything good at all.

I would say it is one of the greatest CHAINS the human collective is experiencing now. Through repetitive use, algorithms and mass data utilisation, mobile phones have been harnessed by corporations and worse entities to program the human mind. If you push a meme out to the masses and repeat talking points, with MOST people in the Western World having this as their ONLY interface with the external world beyond their immediate surroundings, you end up with an NPC population having their perspective formed by the big Tech companies. By censoring certain information, and allowing certain videos while hiding others, you can literally curate people’s opinions about the world, what they think is out there, thus how they vote and behave, what they buy and more. At the very least, having a portable entertainment system full of garbage 5 second clips, you turn people’s brains to mush - incapable of extrapolated thought, incapable of second order reasoning or being an independent thinker at all. And this is VERY GOOD for the regime at large. If the populace you rule over has the memory span of a goldfish, all you need to do is push a new narrative or distracting FUNNY EVENT to the mobile screens and people will literally forget warcrimes or high political crimes that they saw videos of the day before. 

But there’s also the good side of it. Like any tool, such as a knife, you can use it to your advantage, or you can cut off your fingers accidentally. It is an instant doorway into all the knowledge we have saved (in this karmic cycle anyway) and you can learn anything and really do anything with this incredible outside brain we have an intimate relationship with. So how do we make sure to utilise this tool for our own benefit, and not the benefit of the powers that wish to rule over us?


  • IMPRINTING: Whatever our brains see a lot of, we subconsciously begin to reflect back into the world outside as well. Back in the day, it was the newspaper which coloured a populations perceptions, now it is our newsfeeds and the people we follow online. Go through and analyse each and every person you follow online on all of your social media accounts. Who is contributing positively to your subconscious environment? Who is delivering a message of hope, who is flooding you with Positive Energy, who is filling your brain bandwidth with knowledge, with useful information? When you scroll, are you taking in things that will be beneficial to know? Or is it memery that ends up wasting your mental energy? Or worse, constant TAKES on the current narrative that the media want you to focus on, things that you have no direct control over? Be ruthless with unfollowing people. Only follow people if they bring value to your life, if they are living a style of life you want to emulate, if their physique is impressive. FILL your feed ONLY with what you would want to happen to your life. Just as our thoughts create our reality, so too does EVERY piece of content trigger a reaction and puzzle piece of perspective in our heads. If its people you know in real life and you would like to stay in touch, consider making a separate account that is your main ‘browsing’ account where you ONLY have positive imprinting in mind - and don’t use your old accounts at all really. It’s not important to follow along with the stories of clinking beer glasses from the people you went to high school with. Tough, but thats the truth. DO you want getting drunk in your hometown bars to be your reality? No. You want freedom, autonomy, higher vibrational surroundings and environments, ASCENSION. So only follow accounts that contribute positively to this IMPRINTING in your brain.

  • VISION BOARD: What does your future life look like? What kind of house do you want to live in? What’s your dream car? Want to live on the beach, or in the forest? UTTERLY SATURATE your mind and being with ONLY vision of your future. Let them become a ‘common’ and ‘easy’ thing for your brain to visualise, and synthesise them into your own unique vision. Crystallise this vision in your mind, and repeated thinking will dedicate energy towards that reality. You can use your phone to get in depth and detailed pictures of this future vision. Apps like Pinterest offer a positive use of algorithm to feed you similar things to what you like. Search for and Click on an image you like, and more similar images are suggested to you. Save similar images to a ‘MY LIFE’ Board and set them as your background, follow aesthetic accounts that promote what kind of reality you want to inhabit. IF you find it hard to think about a dream life if your current surroundings are less than ideal, then use your phone to shortcut this vision. Make sure it is not masturbatory viewing only though, it needs to be intentional and concentrated, not just endless scrolling and liking.

  • INSTANT COMMUNICATION (LOCAL/GLOBAL): In a matter of seconds, you can be directly communicating LIVE with anyone in the world. You can call someone up and ask them something, you can bounce ideas off a friend, you can DM a particular expert on Twitter, you can strengthen your familial ties by calling relatives, it truly is amazing how quick this connection can be made considering how in the past we had to wait months to send a letter to someone overseas (if it even got to them). Even with this, we don’t communicate with the people we care about as much as we probably should (myself included). Really consider your phone as a tool for developing these relationships, if you think of someone you miss, send them a message, a FaceTime etc. Similar to the imprinting point, if someone doesn’t align with your values, if they have shown they don’t care about you, if they aren’t contributing to your desired reality and are a drain on your energy, if they are keeping you in old habits such as drinking or drugs through socialisation and don’t respect you want to change, if they are stuck in lower vibrational behaviours, then delete their contact from your phone. Make it clean, have only the inputs for people who are aligned with you in your communication base. Again, be ruthless with this, you CANNOT succeed while being attached to people that don’t want to change, or actively sabotage your progress too. See Your phone as a gateway to the people you want to build a reality with.

  • FACTORY RESET: Start from scratch. Save the contacts you want, backup key photos, note the apps you want to keep. Think: does this app contribute to my wellbeing and future reality? Or is it a time waste, is it a hindrance, is it simply a waste of literal memory and processing power on my device? Better yet, get a new device if you can afford it. When you have a nice clean start, you can leave a lot of the baggage of communication or relationships, or even bad habits behind. Only you can say honestly what is helping and what is harming you.

  • FINANCES/WORK MOBILITY: You can run entire businesses from anywhere now. All in the palm of your hand. Whether that’s content creation with the camera and social media apps, whether its client based communication via email and other work apps. If the sun is out, best believe I’m working in the park on my phone. When you live life in an interesting way, all is able to be captured via the tool in your hands. Now, this won’t happen overnight, but it’s entirely possible to be location independent and earn an income online. I strongly suggest you work towards doing so, whatever that may mean for you. Developing information products, coaching, some online conversion of what you’re doing now, even just being more mobile and utilising . If you’re actively TRYING to make an income using your phone rather than just endlessly consuming content, you are already several steps ahead of the masses. So few people actually PRODUCE what is consumed, that if you shift to 90% creation 10% consumption as a baseline, you’re going to end up winning in the long term.

  • POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT IN ONLINE ENVIRONMENTS: With social media apps, you can have positive reinforcement or negative. Entering into a community such as Sol Club (, we have people inside who are all committed to the Sol Way of Life. Hopping in there on your 15minute work break you can see the delicious meals people are creating, get information about an exercise you’re thinking about, learn a new breath work style or read something that just charges you with positive energy. All of these scenarios are better than viewing a news article that pisses you off, or a meme page which further degrades your thinking and steals your attention for no reason. Your Phone can be a gateway to engaging with likeminded people and give you that little boost you need to get back on the path.


  • NEGATIVE ENERGY CODED VIA SOCIAL MEDIA: Everything you see written online carries with it the energetic signature that the writer was feeling at the time. It’s why you see a particular tweet, and it’ll give you chills, a passionately written essay and it’ll just hit that spot or give you motivation you didn’t know you needed. Conversely, you can scroll the timeline when people are reacting to ‘negative’ events in the world, and feel drained without really knowing why. Every time you do this, you can view it as a doorway for other people’s negative energy to assault your internal peace. As a general principle, nothing can affect you internally UNLESS you allow it, but better to not even have that potential ‘energy wobble’ at all. Get offline if the sentiment of the people you follow is feeling this way, or better yet don’t even follow people who communicate this to you (most accounts). If you don’t see it, it can’t impact you negatively - mute current event topics on social media, and literally don’t pay attention to anything you wouldn’t want to happen in your life. On the same note, never express negative energy on social media. You don’t want to negatively impact other peoples lives. There’s a person behind every username (well not apart from some robots but I digress), so be sure you’re not exacerbating that negativity. Express your grievances to a personal journal instead. Remember, what you put out is what you get back.

  • SIMPLY STEALING/MISDIRECTING YOUR ENERGY: You have a certain amount of energy available to you in 24 Hour. This level of energy changes depending on how healthy you are, how well you slept, your diet, environment, sun etc etc. BUT, considering you’re maximising that as best you can in the moment, there is then X amount of energy left in the day that you can utilise to direct to your future vision. Say you have to spend a certain amount on the job you’re in, or familial responsibilities etc. This leaves a fairly small chunk that remains to be spent however you focus your attention. If you are scrolling through meme videos ten minutes here, 15 minutes there, that adds up throughout the day. In a week, that’s several hours of time that was spent on nothing productive. Our attention is energy, and we GROW what we pay attention to. You need to squeeze every bit of energy possible out of yourself and direct it to the future you want. Mobile phones are so insidious because they are STEALING The ATTENTION, and tHEREFORE ENERGY Of millions of people. Before, where someone would get ‘bored’ and create, or think, or speak or anything, now is just mindless and wasteful. You do not have excess time to waste on such things. Be conscious of all the minutes you may be wasting on your phone, remove the temptations as best you can and start to dedicate that time to study, to creation, or simply to ATTRACTING the reality you desire by thinking about the vision you created earlier on in this piece.

  • PORN/AROUSAL: It’s so easy to google ‘big boobs’ and have millions of high res videos trigger the monkey brain inside and it starts to think: ‘Wow we are doing great! Look at all these potential mates we are engaging with! Our biological drives are being Sated! No Need to achieve anything when we are such Legends!’ But guess what? It’s not real. You’re just a monkey looking at pixels on a screen being controlled by your lower urges. And its all accessible in the palm of your hand. If it isn’t explicit porn, then it can be the Asses exploding out on your IG feed. It takes you out of flow state, it puts you on the wrong path, in further cases it can lead to the pathway of masturbation (as I hope you’ve heard me speak against before). Porn in general either on the phone or the PC should never be engaged with, our youth are being assaulted on a spiritual level by this toxic content. So, be sure that you’re not allowing your phone to become a pathway for this destructive behaviour. It destroys dopamine, removes the joy of life, makes you less attracted to your IRL girl, and life is more beautiful without this fake tech-based over saturation of sexuality.

  • BLUE LIGHT: One of the modern plagues that is negatively influencing man’s health on so many levels. The role of light in our biology is grossly underestimated. And for most people today in the ‘developed’ world, we spend MOST of our DAYS and thus our LIVES indoors, (so we aren’t getting natural light), but then we are also saturating ourselves with artificial, toxic and damaging man-made BLUE LIGHT. Flickering, fluorescent lights that hurt our vision, impair our DNA repair, don’t contain the healing spectrum of full sunlight, impede our circadian rhythms and our metabolism, blood flow, sleep quality, the list is endless. You think ‘ahhh its just a bit of light what can it do?’ We are primarily light beings, and the quality of light information we are taking in on a daily basis is one of the key drivers of our health. Mobile phones (and computers) are obviously one of the biggest culprits for emitting blue light. In general, you should use a high quality blue light blocker WHENEVER POSSIBLE when using electronics, ESPECIALLY in the evening and nighttime. I use Ra Optics ( as they have been proven to be the best on the market in terms of the amount they block out. I use mine every single day, whenever I’m indoors under artificial light and especially when using my personal devices at night. Yes mobile phone and pcs emit blue light, but there exists a tool to utilise against it in the form of Blue Light Blockers - so if you’re going to be using tech, block the blue light from your eyes.Of course, best is to limit your exposure, get as much natural unfiltered sunlight as possible, and view the sun at sunrise and sunset to help mitigate these effects.

  • EMF EMISSION: Invisible electromagnetic waves from technology permeate most modern environments. Wifi, broadcasted mobile phone networks (3G-5G), generally localised electrical fields from technology in our homes, all contribute to an ‘unnatural’ frequency that penetrates through our bodies and affects our biology, contributes to mental issues, hormone production, gut issues, just messes up our internal chemistry in general. When you have a phone on your body, receiving the 4G or 5G signal, it is emitting frequencies and the closer it is to your body the more damage its doing. For this reason, do the following with your phone use. Never hold your phone up to your head to take a call. Use wired headphones (not wireless, as these beam EMF into your head), or utilise speakerphone so you can take a call without putting the device right next to your brain. Unless you are actively using your phone, keep it on airplane mode, wifi and bluetooth modes OFF too. Use Wifi in the home if you can. On that note too, Unplug your wifi router at night, as wifi signals impact sleep quality. I’ve had a reader mention that he started GROWING again once he moved out of the room with the internet router in it. The same happens to plants put near wifi emitters. So, be aware of the EMF emission of your phone.

  • FEAR/CORTISOL: “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” - Frank Herbert, Dune. The fear response will literally lower your energy, lower your vibration, and lower your health at every level. Spiking cortisol from the stress response, every input that you don’t intentionally curate on your phone that brings a fear response or a negative spike will add up and in general is something to be avoided. Your phone can one a portal for negative fear loving entities to attack you, when you could be sitting in your cosy living room the other side of the world, but because you read a headline infront of you with a scary picture or video, you can feel down about it. Nothing at all in your immediate environment that should be worried about, but our deep connection to events half the world away impact our biology and thus our power to create our reality.

So there you have it, a detailed plan about getting the most out of our phones in order to make the technology work for you; lest you become another one of the brainless drones feeding into their technocratic dystopian world. Understand this and ensure that your phone use is intentional, UPLIFTING, Positive, Beneficial. But then ALSO realise that even positive phone use will only go so far. And we should ideally live in the real world as much as possible. 

 I am always sending blessings your way.

Love, Sol Brah.


“What is making us sick in the modern world?”