Heaven and Hell Are Real

Heaven and hell are real, but not in the sense that you’re thinking.

You might believe they are realms that the human soul is sent to when they commit great crimes and hurt their fellow man. In fact, you don’t have to wait to the end of your life to be sent to these ‘realms’.

Heaven and hell are states of mind and a state of being. Someone’s ‘karma’ is their state of mind, a reflection of the actions they’ve committed in life to date.

We can live in hell, or we can live in Heaven on earth, depending on our mindset and our actions

The way to 'hell':
- lying
- taking things personally that are nothing to do with you
- making assumptions
- living a life based on other peoples expectations of you
- projecting/defending an 'image' of yourself
- following politics/news incessantly

All of these actions result in a mind that is constantly worrying and leaping from issue to issue, spending energy on trying to keep up with the various lies and images they are trying to protect and present to the world, taking offence and being upset when these images (fabrications) are ‘insulted’, never being at peace.

The way to 'heaven':
- telling the truth
- living a life in accordance with what you believe
- don’t assume, ask questions instead
- never take things personally (things are nothing to do with you)
- in any situation, always do your best, whatever your best may be.

Regardless of the external circumstances around us, we can either exist in a state of hell in our minds, always being negative and offended and upset by the slightest things that are nothing to do with us. Living out a life that does not truly reflect how we feel inside because we have an image of ourselves (which isn’t real) that we expend untold emotional energies to defend and uphold.

Or, we can exist in ‘heaven’, where our thoughts and feelings and desires align with how we choose to live our lives, the relationships we participate in reflect what we truly want in a partner and we exude love and positivity because our own internal state is no longer broken and misguided.

It is a process to get out of hell, but once you have a taste of the mental tools/knowledge that enable you to see the miasma of fake problems for what they are, you can see the path forward.

It will not come overnight, but it will come.


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