We tend to pigeon hole ourselves into what we see as our capabilities, our potential, usually a reflection of our past selves, of past achievements or experiences.

“I can’t do that

I always f*ck up ____

I’m an anxious person

That’s not the type of person I am”

The familiarity of defining what ‘we’ are is flawed from the beginning. What you are identifying with is a mirage. Commonly known as  the ‘ego’, It is the interface with which we as humans interact with the world.

Our brain needs the ego to understand the world, as in us as  ‘I’ might be in danger if we see a sabretooth tiger. If there was no ‘I’ then there would be no reason to run away from danger.

Unfortunately, with this identification and separation, we can ascribe values and personalities to this ‘I’ In our heads, which ends up limiting us.

Say we are at school, and we go for a singing audition, muck it up and get teased. From that point on, we may think that ‘I’m bad at singing’. Preventing us from singing in the future.

What is really true is that maybe we just need to practice the skill of singing a bit more before we become a singer. 

This principle is true for all things. Whether its work, a hobby, relationships, emotions, anything. You are an infinitely malleable piece of clay, all that is needed is the drive and commitment to honing your skill.

There is no one ‘better’ than me, only a person that has spent more time doing different things.

When you understand this, then you can become anything. No attachments, no limitations. 

Let go of the story you tell yourself about yourself.

Art by Karl Kupinski


